Home Educational Exams CUET PG 2024: Admit Card Link, Schedule, and Exam Day Instructions Released

CUET PG 2024: Admit Card Link, Schedule, and Exam Day Instructions Released

by EgovJob | Suresh
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CUET PG 2024 Commences Today with Exams in Three Shifts: 9 am – 10:45 am, 12:45 pm – 2:30 pm, and 4:30 pm – 6:15 pm

The National Testing Agency (NTA) commenced the Common University Entrance Test Postgraduate (CUET PG) 2024 on Monday. The examination will run until March 28, with admit cards for exams up to March 13 already released. The authorities will release hall tickets for the remaining exams in due course on pgcuet.samarth.ac.in.

This year’s exam is scheduled in three shifts: the first shift is from 9:00 am to 10:45 am, the second shift is from 12:45 pm to 2:30 pm, and the third shift is from 4:30 pm to 6:15 pm.

Candidates must arrive at the exam venue as per the reporting time specified on their admit cards. The exam hall gate will close, and no candidate can enter after this time. The admit card contains crucial guidelines for the exam day, including instructions to follow before. During and after the examination, along with exam centre details and paper timings.

Download CUET PG admit cards

Following the conclusion of the CUET PG exam, the NTA will release provisional answer keys for all subjects and make candidates’ responses and question papers available for viewing.

Candidates can raise objections, subject to a fee for each question, and subject experts will review them. If the objections prove valid, the authorities will revise the final answer key accordingly. They will then prepare and declare the CUET PG result based on this final answer key.


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